From the Annoyance Desk: Text Messages

Yeah, I admit it. I don’t like text messages. They’re impersonal, cost more money, and take forever. I find it obnoxious when I’m talking to someone when the conversation stops due to a text message being beamed into their phone. I’ve never liked the abbreviations, either. U, brb, all that crap. I really don’t like ur; it kind of makes me feel like the person had to throw up but typed it instead. I don’t know- that’s just what it seems like to me.

I do it, too. Don’t get me wrong. I send text messages and receive them. I try to use them for informational purposes only- sending one text message to 15 people is pretty handy, I must admit. Especially when I don’t have facebook and can’t do the famous “facebook invite” to “events”. That is, however about the extent of my text message inducing.

It’s strange when people start text messaging me, and I feel like I have to text them back. Calling them would be crossing some invisible line; I’ve got to text the response, then wait for what they have to say back. Repeat the process. I’ve had entire conversations in this manner, and every time it’s annoying. I can never tell if it’s going to continue, in which case I should just call them, or if it’s going to take no time at all and it’s only going to take one message. We say about ten sentences, but it takes 45 minutes. It’s irritating after the second volley, but still, I feel like crossing this social barrier is taboo. I do it anyway, most of the time. Sometimes it really throws people off.

Anyway. If, for some reason, you feel the need to send a text message, stop and think. Wouldn’t it be just as easy to have a two minute (or less) conversation, and thus actually talk to someone?

No matter what, I dread the day (and I’m sure it will happen) that a phone comes out that isn’t actually a phone- it’s just some music playing, calendar supporting, planning and texting device, with no speaker or microphone whatsoever.

I’m looking at you, Motorolla.

~ by Into The White on December 8, 2007.

One Response to “From the Annoyance Desk: Text Messages”

  1. Hey, I finally found your blog. Text messaging is so passive-aggressive. It seems that people can’t handle interpersonal relationships even over the telephone anymore. What is the world coming to? Naturally, I am replying to your post rather than calling you to tell you that my blog is up and running again too ( But that’s only because I don’t like you enough to actually talk to you.

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